International Day of the Girl: Celebrating 160 Years of Girl Leaders

International Day of the Girl: Celebrating 160 Years of Girl Leaders

For International Day of the Girl, Girls Inc. is celebrating 160 years of Girl Leaders by amplifying the voices of our incredible participants. Our 2024-2025 Brand Ambassadors share what International Day of the Girl means to them, reflecting on their passions for issues like women’s rights, leadership, and advocacy. Join us in honoring these strong, smart, and bold voices and their role in shaping history for the new generation of leaders.

Mia is a participant of Girls Inc. of San Antonio and is passionate about advocating for women’s rights.

The ability to be a part of an organization like Girls Inc. has opened me up to many opportunities, but one of my favorites is learning about the advocacy of women’s rights, which is why the International Day of the Girl is so important to me. Growing up within the Girls Inc. community and learning how to be “Strong, Smart, and Bold” from such a young age has taught me to be proud because I am a girl. I can do anything a man can, and be confident with anything that I do. Today, my passion for women’s rights and activism stems from consistently being part of a community of such strong women and striving to be just like them; making a lasting impact and making their voices heard. I love hearing stories that Girls Inc. shares about powerful women, knowing that they too were just like me — a young woman growing up and learning her place in society. Girls Inc. taught me that I can be whoever I want to be, not to let society tell you who you are: I define that. I will always strive for more, I will not let glass ceilings define me, and I will never settle. Today, I can apply all these lessons to sports, school events, or speaking up within my community when injustices are happening. An example is when I advocated for my school’s girls’ athletic program to get more recognition because a lot of our accomplishments were going unacknowledged. One of the solutions was to start a social media page that highlights the accomplishments of the school’s female athletes across all sports. Girls Inc. has taught me I have a voice, and I am called to use it.

Skye is a participant of Girls Inc. of Orange County, who is dedicated to honoring the legacy of past female leaders and supporting future generations of strong, smart, and bold women.

International Day of the Girl means recognizing the journey of the women before us. Girls Inc. has supported women since its establishment in 1864. Being a part of Girls Inc. has motivated me to support the future generations of female leaders. Being a part of many different programs with Girls Inc. of Orange County has prepared me with valuable life skills, which elevated my passion for women’s rights. Previous generations paved the way for me to stand where I am today, so I am dedicated to ensuring that the future generations are given the same support. I’ve done this through joining the Girls Inc. of Orange County’s Eurkea! Council, which assisted in creating future summer programs for young girls. The Eureka! Camp was the most significant and impactful Girls Inc. program that I was a part of, so this role was incredibly rewarding. On this day, we thank the amazing women who helped shape the world and prepare ourselves for many more years of female dominance.

Mackenzie is a participant of Girls Inc. of Houston, who is committed to amplifying the voices of young girls and driving change in her community through advocacy and leadership.

International Day of the Girl celebrates the power, potential, and rights of girls all over the world. For me, at Girls Inc., this day holds a special significance because we are part of a community that consists of strong, smart, and bold girls who are shaping the future. Being surrounded by such inspiring peers has ignited my passion for leadership, advocacy, and equity. With the Teen Advocacy Council and the Be Bold Summit, among others, we learn to lift our voices for change—whether fighting for girls’ rights or working to make society more inclusive. This has inspired me through all the experiences that have prepared me not just for leadership but also to be sure that all girls can flourish. We’re collectively building a future wherein every girl can achieve her full potential.

Snigdha is an alumna of Girls Inc. of Alberta and is in her first year of college. She addresses the importance of educational equity.

International Day of the Girl to me means not taking my quality of education and life for granted. This is a day to celebrate women worldwide and strive to reach educational equity for girls everywhere. Being part of a community full of strong, smart, and bold girls has inspired me to advocate for girls’ rights so I can be a role model for them. Helping them learn to advocate for themselves in the future on issues that they believe to be relevant, important or under-recognized.

Trinity is an alumna of Girls Inc. of Chattanooga and is in her first year of college. She reflects on her Girls Inc. Experience, crediting Girls Inc. for shaping her confidence and future.

Being in Girls Inc. helped me significantly in every stage of my life. This organization ground me in my decisions about what I want in the future. It also gave me an abundance of opportunities to explore who I am and the impact I can make. Furthermore, it is giving me the confidence to become who I was meant to be while creating an amazing network of women and girls that I know will have my back for the rest of my life. Together, we can ensure the next 160 years are just as impactful.

Thank you to our Brand Ambassadors for sharing what International Day of the Girl means to you. Your voices, resilience, and commitment to advocating for change inspire us all. We know you will be catalysts for others as you raise awareness for the issues impacting you, your communities, and the world. Together, we celebrate 160 years of Girls Leaders like you and look forward to the incredible impact you will make in the future.