“Having this constant, positive influence as a young girl helped me become a more positive, capable woman in the future.”

“Having this constant, positive influence as a young girl helped me become a more positive, capable woman in the future.”

Meet Morgan, an Alumna of Girls Inc. of Durham. Morgan is currently an Electrical Design Engineer at Nissan, working in the Power Architecture group. She shares how Girls Inc. STEM programming helped her gain the confidence to pursue her career field and encourages girls to step out of their comfort zones and become pioneers in male-dominated spaces and fields.

Favorite Memories at Girls Inc.

My favorite memories at Girls Inc. were made at summer camp as a Counselor-in-Training, learning how to run intentional programming and getting to support the amazing staff with activities in a positive, girl-centered environment. I also used to love attending Girl Zone meetings after school, where we learned everything from media literacy to questioning social standards and more. It was a judgment-free and supportive environment where all questions were welcomed and encouraged. The space was open to any thoughts or concerns on any girl’s mind, with others who truly understood their experiences.

How did Girls Inc. help you grow as a ‘leader’ in your own life?

Girls Inc. spaces and programming helped give a new perspective on different topics taught in schools in a way more tailored to young women and in a safe environment. These new perspectives made it easier to discuss and challenge societal norms, discuss future planning without judgment, and express what we wanted to learn and what was on our minds as kids and teenagers. Having this constant, positive influence as a young girl helped me become a more positive, capable woman in the future.

Can you share reflections on how you may have experienced a degree of economic or social mobility in your life — and how you think Girls Inc. played a part in that for you?

Girls Inc. staff always encouraged me to explore STEM programming by running lessons so that girls could take lead roles, talk about different STEM-related careers, and give us the tools to be more confident in exploring things both in and outside the classroom at school. Girls Inc. helped me become a more confident young woman and encouraged me to pursue male-dominant activities at university, ultimately leading me to my love of cars and the career I chose today.

Are there aspects of the Girls Inc. Experience that really helped you grow as a storyteller or as a person who knows the power of honing stories to make change?

Being around that positive influence and having the ability to share what is on your mind in a judgment-free, encouraging atmosphere helps you become more confident in your ability to express yourself outside of that environment. Whether speaking up to ensure you get the same opportunities as your male counterparts in STEM-related activities or standing up for a friend in need, Girls Inc. helps young girls gain the confidence they need for any advocacy and sharing their perspectives with their peers and beyond. Girls Inc. programming helps teach young girls how to communicate effectively, from storytelling and speaking their truth to conflict resolution.

Is there anything further you’d share around pro-girl spaces / environments or being part of a community?

Girls Inc. was essential to who I am today and helped shape the young girl I once was. Their staff and programming are world-class. The Girls Inc. curriculum was constantly evolving , and their staff were all positive and encouraging to all the girls who participated. Change doesn’t happen overnight. Sustained exposure to these types of women role models and positive environments naturally helps girls become more confident and capable. It equips girls with knowledge and goal-setting strategies to be successful in life, and be more self-aware. Over time, positivity and confidence are contagious. I highly recommend any parent looking for programming for their child to consider Girls Inc. or other pro-girl spaces!

Advice I would give to girls, knowing what I know now

Feel free to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, even if you feel unsure. Try to speak up for yourself in challenging situations, or find someone who can help you, like a trusted adult. Always keep exploring different subjects and extracurriculars in and outside of school, even if you’re the only girl there. One day, you’ll get to a place where others will be beside you, just like you.

To the supporters of Girls Inc.

Girls Inc. is hands down my favorite non-profit organization for many reasons. When I was younger, Girls Inc. provided the tools to be a more confident, capable person which I am grateful for. The staff was always welcoming, and it was a safe space to learn and grow as an individual. By supporting Girls Inc., you invest in your communities’ youth.