How can you help prevent sexual harassment?

How can you help prevent sexual harassment?

At the root of sexual harassment and violence is gender inequity and an imbalance of power. During April, as we observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we encourage everyone to take individual action to learn how to help prevent the cycle of sexual harassment and violence. Click on the links below to explore several Girls Inc. conversation guides, factsheets, and toolkits, and scroll down for additional resources from trusted partners. Together, we can change our culture, bringing us closer to an equitable society that values the dignity of girls and all young people.

Conversation Guides, Tip Sheets, and Toolkits from Girls Inc.

Learn more about how you can prevent sexual harassment and violence, and what you can do to change the culture using these Girls Inc. #GirlsToo resources.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Glossary: Definitions for some of the most common terms used when discussing sexual harassment and violence.

Sexual Harassment and Violence Fact Sheet: Statistics about the prevalence and impact of sexual harassment and violence in the lives of girls.

Bullying and Harassment Myths and Facts: Debunking some of the most common myths about bullying; discussion questions for talking with youth about these topics.

Signs of Relationship Violence: Helps identify common behaviors associated with a person experiencing relationship violence; can be a helpful tool when talking with teenagers about healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Where Can I Get Help If I’m Being Harassed?: If you experience harassment, you may be afraid to say something and may not know what to do. This resource provides some suggested next steps and tips young people may find helpful.

Healthy Relationships Guide: Tips for talking with teens about healthy relationships.


Additional resources from our trusted partners

Guide to Consent (Healthline): Breaking down the misconceptions about consent and what constitutes sexual assault or rape. 

The Future of Manhood Videos and Conversation Guide (Promundo): Videos and a discussion guide to spark a conversation with a friend, classmate, student, or family member about what it means to be a “man” and how harmful ideas about masculinity can lead to harassment, abuse, and other negative outcomes.

Tips for Parents, Guardians, and Family Members (Know Your IX): Tips and strategies for supporting a loved one who is a survivor of sexual violence.

Let Her Learn: A Toolkit to Stop School Pushout (NWLC): Resources for Girls Who Have Experienced Sexual Harassment. 

Sexual Assault and the LGBTQ Community Fact Sheet (HRC): Statistics about rates of violence in the LGBTQ Community.

Together, we can end the cycle of sexual harassment and create a culture where everyone is respected and valued.